#148: Handbook for Building & Sustaining Vibrant Toastmaster Programs in Corporations

July 31, 2019Categories: Club Experience, Miscellaneous, Educational Program

The Toastmasters Podcast with Greg Gazin with Ryan Levesque & Bo Bennett
The Toastmasters Podcast is a talkshow designed to amplify the Toastmaster magazine content, featuring interviews with Toastmasters, contributors and those connected with the articles of this monthly publication. ALL 250+ Episodes can be found at ToastmastersPodcast.com.

[39:38] Building and Sustaining Vibrant Toastmaster Programs in Corporations is an important subject for anyone involved with corporate clubs, either as a sponsor, mentor, coach, member, potential member or district leader.

In this extended interview, Greg and Ryan speak with Pat Johnson, DTM PIP about her new step-by-step handbook of the same name. Pat offers a deep dive into the subject which suggests alternative ways Toastmasters can work within the corporate world. We learn about how these clubs or programs are different from traditional community clubs and what we can do to sustain them and keep them vibrant. We also get a primer on "Corporate Speak" versus Toastmaster jargon, and more.


Pat Johnson, DTM is an ontological coach, a Toastmasters Past International President and a Toastmaster since 1983. Pat can be reached at PatTheTrainer@shaw.ca.

Pat's book, A Handbook for Building and Sustaining Vibrant Toastmaster Programs in Corporations is available from the Toastmasters On-Line store, Item B79.

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